Indecisive Decision
I am stuck in a conundrum or a quandary (if you'd like to call it that. Whatever floats your goat). So, I've heard these words quite a lot from Naruto and they always ring in my head... And before I quote him, I'd just like to mention that not all my blog posts are going to be about something from Naruto or whatever. It just happens that I find a lot I can relate to from this anime. Anyway, n ow that that's out of the way ; "Real strength is not what you have when fighting for only yourself. When you have something special that you want to protect, only then can you become truly strong!" You see, there are 2 sides to this quote & I'm not sure which one to choose because I believe that; If you have no one to protect in battle, then can you truly fight all out, because at the end of the day there are no grave repercussions for anyone but yourself. On the other hand, I also do believe that when you have someone to protect, you do get stron...